Album of the Week: The Love Below
In an age where EP's, mix tapes, and sound cloud links reign supreme it's hard to remember how great a true body of work can make you feel.
How awesome it is to let an album live with you, get into your spirit, and become a part of your life. You strap your seat belt on for track one and begin to take the ride. You wait for your favorite tracks, anticipating the euphoric endorphin release but you know you cannot skip ahead. You respect the artist's artistry; respect the fact that the meticulously placed tracks are all a part of your curated experience.
You ride the wave. Sing your favorites with all your might and listen intently to the ones you don't love so much. (Eventually you start to love those too.) If it's a good album it'll take you through the full range of emotions and by the end of it all you're left feeling one thing...FULL.
That's what Andre 3,000's The Love Below did for me this week. From Spread, to Prototype, to She Lives In My Lap. This album is a classic. A gem.
You'd be wise to let it live with you this week.
-Dot Com